Hi! I love reading and (sometimes) actually playing TTRPGs, and am interested in learning more about writing TTRPG supplements and maybe eventually rules. The stuff that I have put up here is entirely untested and first-thought. I may revisit and revise these pieces in future.
My projects here are licensed for free under Creative Commons and/or Creative Comrades, please use them and let me know what you think! Please don't pay me for these very rough projects!
Find my tabletop crafts account on Insta @maustoleum.
I am excited about a forthcoming project, "Art for Friends," organized by Tine (https://tinemakesthings.itch.io/) and Terran (https://conjuredcraft.itch.io/)--stay tuned and look at their previous work, including the Art Goblin Zine Jam 2024 (https://itch.io/b/2518/art-goblins-zine-jam-2024) organized with a bunch of other amazing folks!